Bear River City, Utah

City civic center and offices, Bear River City

Bear River City is a city in Box Elder County, Utah, United States. Pictured is the City civic center and offices for Bear River City courtesy of GreenGlass1972. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Bear River Bridge

The Bear River City Bridge was built in 1889. However, a new one was constructed in 1999, bypassing the original. The old one was not removed.

The structure is another associated with the 'Crybaby Bridge' motif, so prevalent in American folklore. According to Newman, a possessed woman drove off the bridge with her two children, plunging them all to their deaths.

Apparently, there are now claims that phantom lights and a child's voice are reported in the vacinity of the bridge.

Pictured left is the Bear River City Bridge courtesy of

2601 E Sunnyside Avenue South, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, USA.

For further information, please read Haunted Bridges by Rich Newman.